Our Story - How We Built a Tool that Takes Away the Manual Work
Our Story - How We Built a Tool that Takes Away the Manual Work
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April 2, 2024

L'histoire du client

We created our product for switched on hospitality managers. You know the type. They check reviews every day across multiple sites.

Take Bishr Hamwi (a real customer) as an example. As the digital marketing manager of five brands across 25 locations for Gourmet Gulf based in the UAE, he was spending hours each day tracking and responding to reviews.

He showed it to his boss and he said, this is great, keep responding. But now Bishr was a victim of his own success because he had to do this work every day.

Once he’d responded to all the daily reviews, he would copy and paste the data into excel sheets. Next he’d read and distil each review so he could summarise it. And finally, he would report on his recommendations to the management team.

The management team was hungry for the latest news about their online reputation. Bishr was time poor with so many tasks on his plate. He started building the business case for someone to employ to do this job, but resources were limited.

“Where have you been?”

When our founder Tarik met Bishr and showed him our solution, he almost wept with relief. He said; “Where have you been all my life? This is an amazing tool.”

We automated all of these tasks, so the time he spent each day managing review-related tasks dropped from hours to minutes.

After a couple of  months with Loclayser in place, Gourmet Gulf had improved productivity without hiring more employees and improved their response rate and time with less effort.

The company has used the insights they’ve gathered to improve operations in key areas of the business.Although Bishr is no longer with the company, Gourmet Gulf remains a customer of Loclayser to this day.

The Founder Story

Localyser began in 2018 when Tarik Qahawish spotted a problem for restaurants. Only a few were listed online. They were missing a key route to getting more customers.

A former UX developer for Air Canada’s Aeroplan program, Tarik knew the importance of making online experiences as simple as possible for customers. He decided he'd go all in helping restaurants with their online presence.

Tarik’s brother owns a restaurant in Guelph, Ontario, so he had seen firsthand how pressurized the restaurant business is. And he knew how bad reviews can harm a business if not handled well.

As Tarik began working with businesses, he saw how many of them had reviews they had missed. As more restaurants went online the number of channels for reviews exploded. The restaurants couldn’t keep up.

They needed a way to respond to reviews fast while staying on-brand.

Localyser helps restaurants stay on top of reviews. Businesses with several locations can manage all their reviews in one place.

Data from the reviews is displayed in an easy to read dashboard. These insights can drive improvements across the business. So every complaint is an opportunity to do better next time.

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